Ever since 1988, A3Pi Services, LLC has continued to provide Marine Environmental Consulting Services to ship owners and operators. With numerous Environmental Audits completed on both tankers and passenger cruise ships, Mr. Ojala has gained the trust of the owners, as well as an excellent working relationship with officers and crew members, providing training (particularly with Oil Record Book entries) and pre-audit review of Environmental Compliance Plans, etc.
These audits also led to additional programs of training for crew members and to the developing training programs for the cruise lines.
It is very seldom that ship’s crew members will willingly pollute or violate the regulations that protect our environment, however, lack of understanding, poor training, poor English skills, and FEAR of American regulators will cause such violations. Proper training, by a person who can relate to their problems and poor English skills (records are required to be kept in English), will instil the confidence to avoid most violations.
Many vessel owners have seen their vessels declared in violation of International Environmental Laws, when no actual pollution violation had occurred. This can happen when record keeping is poor and incomplete. Training in the proper Oil Record Book entries can be a great preventive measure, and give crew members the assurance that they will not be accused of any record keeping violations.
Mr. Ojala is considered an expert on proper Oil Record Book entries, and has reviewed over 100 Oil Record Books per year over the last 10 years. He not only reviewed the ORB’s, but trained the crew (English as a second language) in how to properly keep their entries to comply with regulations. Mr. Ojala is respected and communicates well with management, but also identifies with crew members and easily gains their trust, making his constructive criticism and training a positive experience for the crew members.
Mr. Ojala also examined the various pollution prevention equipment on all vessels he audited, including Oily Bilge Water Separators and Monitors, Sewage Treatment systems (including the newer, Advanced Waste Water Treatment systems [AWPs]), incinerators, etc.
During the audits, proper storage, use and disposal of chemicals, hazardous wastes and garbage, as well as food waste disposal and dry garbage landings were reviewed, including the proper Garbage Record Book log entries.
Officers and crew members were interviewed, training records reviewed, and proper knowledge of the ship’s procedures was verified during these audits.
Vessel Owners and operators are welcome to contact A3Pi Services, LLC for further information. Larger projects would be “partnered“ with a large, International Environmental Consulting Firm, with whom A3Pi Services, LLC has cooperated on past projects.