Mr. Ojala has a reputation with most Marine Underwriters and Claims Managers of being an experienced, dependable and fair. He “tells it like it is” no matter whom he represents. Therefore the marine insurance carriers have used A3Pi Services, LLC for over 35 years for the following:
- Accident Investigations and consulting
- Hull and machinery damage (Owner/Underwriter)
- Condition and valuation (Ships, barges and tugs)
- Towing approvals and cargo stowage plans
- On and off-charter condition surveys, repair estimates
- Salvage planning and supervision
- Environmental compliance audits/oil record book training
- Underwriter surveys (pre-insurance conditions, accident investigations, surveys, repair specifications and Port Risk surveys)
- Safety audits and management reviews
As an AWO Auditor for over 12 years, Mr. Ojala audited towing vessel fleets for AWO compliance, and trained towing vessel crews to prepare for audits by others. Safety drills, record keeping and Environmental compliance was stressed as part of these AWO preparations.